Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Yookosho - Part One - Activity Two


Sumimasen - I'm sorry/Excuse me. It is frequently used to attract someones attention.

ka: Question marker

-san: used at the end of someones name. It's the equivalent to the english: Mr, Miss, Ms, and Mrs. Never use it on yourself. It can be used on both male and female names. (Japanese for busy people I 3)

Meeting someone and introducing yourself: Inquiring about someones name.

Dialogue One:
Kawamara: Sumimasen. Chin-san desu ka.
Chin: Hai, soo desu.
Kawamara: Kawamara desu. Hajimemashite. Doozo yoroshiku.
Chin. Chin desu. Hajimemashite. Doozo yoroshiku.

Dialogue Two:
Buraun: Sumimasen. Tohsaku desu ka.
Rin: Iie.
Buraun: Shitsuree shimashita.
Rin: Iie.


Based on the two dialogues what do you think the new vocabulary Shitsuree shitmashita, iie, and Hai, soo desu mean?

Complete the following dialogues. 

You: ______________. Kawamura-____ desu ___.
Kawamura:_____,  soo desu.
You: __________________________________________________.
Kawamura: Kawamura desu. Hajimemashite. Dozoo yoroshiku.

You: Sumimasen. Buraun-san desu ka.
Buraun: ____, __________.
You: ___________________.____________________. ____________________.
Buraun: Buran _______. ________________. ________________.

Rin: _______. Chin-san desu ka?
You: ____.
Rin: Shitsuree shimashita.
You: ____.

You: Sumimasen. Haysashi-san _________.
Chin: Iie.
You: ________________.
Chin: _____.

Define the following terms:
shitsuree shimashita

Write the Hiragana for A I U E O 10 times.

Works Cited:
Tohsaku, Yasu-Hiko Yookoso! An Invitation to Contemporary Japanese. Boston: McGraw-Hill College, 1999. Print.

Japanese for Busy People I. New York: Kodansha International, 2006. Print.

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