Friday, May 2, 2014

Best ways to Learn

Since I'm starting to learn Japanese with my friend Raven and she just ordered her textbook the other day. I decided to looking up the "best" way to learn Japanese. I also looked up advice from those who have already learned Japanese. They all really repeated the same things, but they did have some great advice. 
The way I'll display this is going by person to person about learning Japanese. I.E. It will look something like this:

+ Advice

Ciaela (Youtube)

+Make mistakes!
Don't be embarrassed by them!
+ Copy a fluent Japanese persons pronunciations!
Don't copy Anime!
+Don't know a word in Japanese? Try to describe it!
+Keep up your practice!

Claire (Youtube)

+ Don't buy special pages for Kanji, Hiragana, or Katakana!
Use normal graph papaer!
+White board!
Buy a white board and use that. It will save you some paper and is great
for learning Kanji.
+Flash Cards!
Use flash cards to study your Kanji, Hiragana, and Katakana!
+Set weekly targets!
Something as simple as 50 vocab a week!
Don't listen or buy anything that says "learn Japanese in x Days!"
+Use Pencil!
+Don't take offence to being corrected!
+Don't learn from Anime!
Use a podcast or the news!
+Don't be embarrassed  to try and pronounce Japanese!
+ If you don't know a word don't stop the conversation to look it up, work around it
and try and explain what you mean.

This isn't her video for advice but its another video she did do. Unfortunately I couldn't find the video where she gives advice to link it on blogger. As they do it by searching youtube. If I can figure it out I'll change it later.

Miss Hanake (Youtube)

+ Learn your basics!
Once you have the basics down you can "snowball" and be be able to learn more by using it rather
than studying it all the time.
+Don't focus a lot on studying rather than using it.
As you're using it you should be learning it.
+Learn some vocab!
+ Use the Internet to help you use and learn more!
Find out how to put your computer in Japanese using an IME to change it to a Japanese keyboard!
Also get a Japanese keyboard on your phone as this will help you as well!
+ Use the browser addon Rikaichan (firefox) or Rikaikun (chrome)
If you have it on and hover over a Japanese word it will tell you what it is.
Highly recommended!
+ Dictionary App (Smart phones)
Type in English or Japanese!
Has hundreds of Japanese learners, and has a cultre to help you get better!
+ Communication is Vital!
+Make sure you're trying to listen to some Japanese! Surround yourself with Japaneses. It will help you learn!
+ Having a hard time remembering Hiragana or Katakana? Try Mnemonic.
+ Keep a log of your Japanese!
When your feeling bad about how "slow" you think you're going look back on everything!
You'll be impressed!

Rachel + Jun (Youtube)
These two have their own videos. This said they will be divided by their videos!

+ Don't Just study, use it!
+ Try and have someone that knows Japaneses correct you!
 If you're not corrected you wont know you even made a mistake!
+ Don't listen to what people say about anime or manga. 
It CAN help you. As long as you don't use it as course work and only for your enjoyment!
Not recommended until you know the basics!
Don't use anime or manga as an excuse to learn Japanese!!
+ You need to practice and learn your Kanji!
+ After basics are down try reading manga in Japaenese!
This site will help you learn Japanese, and you'll help someone learn your language!
+Most Japanese learners have an electric Dictionary.
These can be costly and go for around 200-400 USD.
It could be replaced with a good English Japanese Dictionary App!

+ 3 Major Parts
- Listening
- Reading
- Speaking
(Writing is used for all three and you most likely wont have to draw out the Kanji as much as you would have to type or text them!)
+ Reading
- Kanji
- Vocab
- Grammer
(Hiragana and Katakana should be learned in a few days and are not inculded here!)
+Best way to get better is emerge yourself in Japan, or talk to people that are fluent!
If you can't there's a few ways to do it online!
+ Stay away from Google translate!
+ Keep going when things get tough!
Don't just give up!

These last two videos are by far my favorite for advice!

Matador Network (Youtube)
The last thing I did was from a website named Matador Network.

+ Practice stroke order!
It's considered lazy if you don't write them correctly!
+ Don't stop when things get hard!
+ Invest in some quality materials!
A nice textbook
+ Watch plenty of Movies, Dramas, and listen to music!
Don't be afraid to sing along too!
+ Settle on the one set of romanization!
Some methods change "fu" ふ to "hu" since "fu" take the place in ha/hi/fu/he/ho.

The only think I've never seen is the Matador Networks advice on romanization. I've only ever seen the one that uses "fu". I will be trying to post weekly on this blog and updating it for things I plan to do or am doing.
Thank you for reading! :) Good Luck on your Japanese journey!

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